The Misty Effect
A coaching and consulting firm designed to help leaders overcome the worldwide self-esteem crisis impacting life and work.
Hi! I’m Misty.
I’m happy you’re here. It means you want to become the best version of yourself. The good news? You’re already that person. All you need is a little “push” and some tools to rediscover what makes you uniquely you.
I own a marketing firm in Peoria, Illinois, and have worked with brand executives and high-level leaders for over 20 years. I care deeply about helping others find their light to shine in all aspects of their life.
So, I started The Misty Effect — to help leaders achieve a greater purpose by stepping into self-love. A healthy relationship with ourselves gives us the confidence to fly and bring others along with us. And that, my friends, is what true leadership looks like.
The Misty Effect Mission
Empower Leaders To:
Love Themselves Fully
Show Up Authentically
Build Stronger Connections
Live Life on Their Terms
Finding Your Effect
Years ago, I read Jim Collins’ book “Good to Great,” where he and his research team analyzed 11 companies that went from good to great over 30 years. I was obsessed with one of the central concepts in the book: the flywheel effect.
Much like getting a massive flywheel to turn, it takes significant effort in the beginning for good organizations to become great. But as momentum gains, positive change becomes easier and easier to implement. I thought, “The same principle can apply to human development.”
I’m at my best when gathering energy and ideas from others, connecting dots and building momentum for individuals, teams and organizations. That’s how I have a positive effect on people.
I’m a flywheel — that’s my superpower.
“Misty’s ability to unlock ‘aha’ moments is phenomenal. Her expert process helped me identify my worth in a way I hadn’t recognized before.”
Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.